All you need to Know About Equity Release Schemes

All you need to Know About Equity Release Schemes

Equity release schemes allows older homeowners to access their property’s value for one time lump sum fund or take regular withdrawals in future or as combination of both. If you need to incur an unexpected expense or facing a pension shortfall then equity release option can be very beneficial to you.

  Criteria For Equity Release Scheme:

 Equity release schemes help you to get tax free funds-

·     but there is a minimum age of 55 at which you will be qualified to get an equity release and
·    The particular person applying for this release also needs to have his own residence in which he resides.

This mainly includes two types of schemes-

 1. Lifetime Mortgage Scheme: 
This is the most common type of scheme availed by most. This scheme enables you to take a loan on your residential property in return of a consideration while retaining ownership of the property. The interest on the money borrowed is charged but usually nothing has to be paid until you sell your home or go into a long term care or die. The interest is compounded as there are no monthly repayments and this effect will increase the total amount that you owe.

2.    Reversion Scheme:
This scheme is not very popular in the market as in this you would have to sell all or part of your residential property in return of a consideration. When your property is sold you would only receive the percentage of the property’s value that you own. 

The fees on the schemes usually vary so it is always recommended to take the help of a financial advisor. Take into consideration the different schemes for finding out the perfect fit for you. Now there are many sources available for Equity Release schemes take your time and pick the most suitable choice.

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How to place a grant funding application?

How to place a grant funding application?

There are many veritable causes which have spirited volunteers but not enough funding. While there are many thousands of entities providing funds, each has its own process and methodology for the same. However, the majority of programmes have a similar general structure. 
There are many ways in which one may secure funding and the following aspects highlight the process and aim at providing an outline of the process:


It is very important to have an understanding of the reason for which the funding is secured. This requires in depth analysis and insight of the process. Hence, one needs to plan out the activities necessary and make a budget of expenses and the time line of funds requirements.

  Importance and relevance:

If the funds are needed for an innovative change in technology one should clearly point out in the application the improvements which the project will bring about through comparisons. The point in fact should clearly iterate the critical need for the project in a separate area in the fund application.


The standard documentation and various forms are only the very basic aspects of a fund or grant  request. It is important to know what kind of person the funder is and to know from published data what kind of funding has already been done by them.


It is important to know why the grant application was rejected since rejection from one and the lessons learnt thereof could very well get converted into success with another avenue.

  Target and results:

It is important lay out the set of people who are the audience for the project and the research should be adequately backed by numbers and reasonable projections. Customer relationships as well as various elements outlining long term sustainability should be present.

A Grant application should specify the various benefits to economy, society, environment as well as state the risk factors which will result in transparency.

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Features of a perfect grant funding process

Features of a perfect grant funding process

Is your foundation looking for getting some grants funds and you are trying to figure out the process? There are plenty of things that you should be aware of that will help to make your path clear and simple and to help your foundation to get the required grant. You shouldn't have to be running around trying to get the until the last moment and the way that you look at the whole application procedure is what will make the biggest difference. There are numerous things that you need to be aware of and do when you are looking to get grants.

You should make sure to visit the sources for your grant on a regular basis and if you need to, then go ahead and have a consultant or subscription to help you. Also, make sure that your grants are organized, including a list that has all possibilities for any other grants and a summary of the programs that you think would work the best for you. You should also make sure that you are regularly updating everyone, including the potential grant makers and donors of the status of your project. When they see that your project is making progress, then they will more likely to give more funds if required.

PNO is one the companies that helps to give financial assistance to the small along with the medium sized companies. They specialize in the areas of technology, engineering and science to help with the emergence of new services, processes and products. They are willing to help you with your various grant needs, so go ahead and see what they can help you out with. You should make sure that you have all of your documentation and research to ensure that you have a good chance of getting your funds

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Interesting facts about small and medium sized enterprises

Interesting facts about small and medium sized enterprises

Small and medium sized enterprises or SME e or Small and medium sized businesses or SMB are those ventures which maintain a limited number of employees or a limited amount of revenue. However, the definition of a SME or SMB differs from country to country. Here are some specific information about the SME s that might be of some interest to regular people.
SME in the European Union
 The European Commission in July 2011, proposed the opening of a consultation in order to define the word SME. According to the European definition, SMEs, which include micro, small or medium sized enterprises, are such enterprises, which have lesser than 250 employees, their annual turnover being lesser than 50 million euro and/ or, the balance sheet total is lesser than 43 million Euros.
Generally the parameter of defining SME is simple and broad in scope in the European Union.  According to this definition-
  • Medium sized enterprises consist of less than 250 employees,
  • Small enterprises to have up to 50 employees,
  • Micro enterprises to have up to 10 employees.
However, often within the European Union itself, the numbers of employees vary from state to state. Thus, whereas in Germany, the number limit of an SME is fixed at 225, in Belgium the number is 100.
Other identifying features of the SME
 The SMEs are generally known for spending a lot of money on Information Technology. Therefore, the SMEs are stronger in the area of innovation than other enterprises. At the same time, this expenditure calls for sufficient investments, thus they need to attract more funds to keep their innovative character alive. This might also mean that when these enterprises emphasize on innovative, “out of the box” ideas, they probably have to sacrifice some of the functionality of the existing techniques.

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All you need to know about Tax Credit - Research and Experimentation​

All you need to know about Tax Credit - Research and Experimentation

Research and experimentation tax credit, or as it is generally known as R&D tax credit in business circuit, is a kind of tax credit under section 41 of Internal Revenue Tax Act of 1981. Not everyone is aware of its basic nature and the features. Here is look into the idea of research and experimentation tax credit.
What is qualified research?
The US congress in 1981 had passed the Economic Recovery Tax Act or ERTA in order to stimulate investment within the United States of America. In this act there is a provision named “Credit for Increasing Research Activities” also known as “the Credit”, the purpose of which was to reverse the process of  decline that was perceived by the Congress in the US research spending. However, for all practical purposes, what is supposed to be “Qualified Research” is often limited to the “Four Part Test” that can at best provide a referential framework.
Four Part Test
Qualified research is ideally an activity or some project that a general taxpayer undertakes, either directly or with the help of a third party who spends the money on their behalf. This test has four specific parts-
  • Permitted Purpose- the main purpose that is aimed is providing new or improving the existing functionality, reliability, performance etc of an existing component of business, such as any process, product, technique, innovation and the likes.
  • Eliminating the uncertainty- the intention of the taxpayer who undertakes this research should be the elimination of uncertainty regarding the function or development of the business component.
  • Experimentation Process- the taxpayer has to undergo a systematic procedure to achieve a result, which was earlier unknown to them.
  • Technological in Nature- the process of experimentation that has to be followed must be fundamentally related to physical or biological or computer sciences.

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